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what is cooking shit in paris?

what is cooking shit in paris?

marche aligre

Right now I have a couple of obsessions. One is food and the other is travel. My first REAL venture took me 4500 miles away from Miami all the way to Paris. Just being here has taught me so much about food. The amount of research needed to understand ingredients and practices in a foreign country elevated my skills. So I started “Cooking Shit in Paris” in early 2016 because I wanted to share all my amazing Parisian food-based experiences with anyone that would take the time to listen. However, life happened and there was suddenly not much time in my schedule to keep it up. But I’m fucking back ya’ll. I’m still Cooking Shit in Paris but I’m also cooking shit in other places along the way.

I know most people don’t want to think about cooking while traveling. Especially when in the food Mecca that is Paris. With so many boulangeries, patisseries, cafes, bars and boucheries around with some of the most amazing food why would one cook? I say fuck that. I love cooking, I’m not a pro but I like to think I’m pretty damn good. Since 2012 my wife and I like to spend at least 3 months a year based in Paris and tour Europe. Staying someplace for that long while eating out can be a bit expensive, so unless you’re Scrooge McDuck or a kept man/woman, you have got to do some cooking.

Even if I was that well off I would still cook on occasion and spend that money on some of the best ingredients in the world. I would probably lose my shit if a week went by that I didn’t cook at least once. I mean how can I resist when at any given time in Paris you can run into a farmers market and find some amazingly beautiful fresh ingredients.

And then there’s LARDONS. For the uneducated, lardons are bacon chopped into little bits, perfect for cooking with chopped onions and scallions and serving with a baguette, butter and tomatoes. By the way, fresh butter from the marché, one of the most amazing things in the world. But I digress.

galleries lafayette

There are so many people that don’t get a chance to travel, are scared to reach out of their comfort zone or are just idiots that think their country is the best and there’s no need to leave and experience something new. Cooking Shit is definitely not for that last group of people. This blog is for those people that dream of experiencing new things, whether in Paris or someplace else.

So, while I have Paris at my disposal I will use her to cook some amazing meals, as well as some not so amazing ones. I’ll also throw up some guides on buying things in Paris for the non-French speakers, which I am one of, but I have been able to get everything I need with a little common sense and help from others (Google, friends, English speaking store employees). I’ll share some of the recipes that I love to make as well as just talking shit about things food related. As I’m sure you have already seen, I have a dirty fucking mouth. I apologize in advance and hopefully, I won’t offend anyone. Hopefully, you’ll like what I have to say, if not that’s ok too.

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Cooking Shit In Paris

The name says it all. I'm cooking some shit in Paris and other places along the way.


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