spices en français
How do you say salt in French? I used my experiences and the internet to find the French name for all sorts of spices so you don't have to.
epices (spices)
French Name | Description |
Sel | Salt |
Poivre Noir | Black Pepper |
Paprika | Paprika |
Origan | Oregano |
Persil | Parsley |
Basilic | Basil |
Muscade | Nutmeg |
Cannelle | Cinnamon |
Moutarde | Mustard |
Vanile | Vanilla |
Cumin | Cumin |
Coriandre | Cilantro |
Quatre-Épices | Allspice |
Anis | Anise |
Feuille de Laurier | Bay Leaf |
Clous de Girofle | Cloves |
Cardamome | Cardamom |
Aneth | Dill |
Citronelle | Lemongrass |
Menthe | Mint |
Safran | Saffron |
Thym | Thyme |
Curcuma | Turmeric |