seafood en français

seafood en français

How do you say shrimp in French? I used my experiences and the internet to find the French name for all sorts of seafood items so you don't have to.

poisson (fish)

French Name Description
Bar Sea Bass
Merlu Hake
Merlin Marlin
Thon Tuna
Saumon Salmon
Truite Trout
Espadon Swordfish
Merlan Whiting
Lotte Monkfish
Maquereau Mackerel
Sole Sole
Églefin Haddock
Raie Skate
Sardine Sardine
Dos de Cabillaud Cod Fillet
Daurade Sea Bream

crustacé (shellfish)

French Name Description
Coquille........................ Scallop
Crabe Crab
Écrevisse Crayfish
Homard Lobster
Crevette Prawn/Shrimp
Moule Mussel
Huître Oyster
Couteau Razor-shell
Coque Cockle/Shell.................................
Poulpe Octopus
Seiche Cuttlefish
Calamar Squid.................................
Palourde Clam

autre (other)

French Name Description
Vider ‘To empty’, or at a fish counter, ‘to gut’
Cru Raw
Cuite Cooked
Glace Ice
Suregelé Frozen
Fumé Smoked
Sans Peau Skinned
Préparé Cleaned
Salé Salted
Frais Fresh
Écaillé Descaled
Sans Arêtes Boned
Longe Loin
Tranche Steak
En Filets Filleted
Queue Tail

The info on this page comes from my experiences in France and also from this awesome website and this one also.

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