fruits en français

fruits en français

How do you say strawberry in French? I used my experiences and the internet to find the French name for all sorts of fruits so you don't have to.

melon et fruits de verger (melons & orchard fruit)

French Name Description
Cantaloup...... Cantaloupe
Miellat Honeydew
Pastèque Watermelon
Pomme Apple
Abricot Apricot
Pêche Peach
Poire Pear
Nectarine Nectarine
Prune Plum .................................
Figue Fig
Cerise Cherry

fruit exotique (tropical fruit)

French Name Description
Avocat Avocado
Banane.... Banana
Papaye Papaya
Kiwi Kiwi
Ananas Pineapple
Grenade Pomegranate
Litchi Lychee
Mangue Mango
Persimmon Persimmon

baies et autres fruits (berries & other fruit)

French Name Description
Fraise.. Strawberry
La Mûre Blackberry
Myrtille Blueberry
Framboise Raspberry
Canneberge Cranberry
Raisins Raisins
Noix de Coco Coconut
Olive Olive
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