drinks en français

drink en français

How to order a drink in French? Well I won't give you a full tutorial on how to politely order a drink but you'll be able to say what you want.

alcoolique (alcoholic)

French Name Description
Vin Rouge Red Wine
Vin Blanc White Wine
Bière Beer
Apéritif/Apéro Cocktail
Champagne Champagne
Pression Beer on Tap
Cidre Hard Cider
Digestif After-Dinner Drink (Fernet-Branca)

sans alcool (non-alcoholic)

French Name Description
Thé Tea
Thé Glacé Iced Tea
Thé Vert Green Tea
Infusion Herbal Tea
Café Coffee
Express Espresso
Café au lait/Café Crème Latte
Chocolat Chaud Hot Chocolate
L'eau Water
Eau Gazeuse Sparkling Water
Limonade Lemon Soda (Sprite/7UP)
Boisson Gazeuse Soft Drink
Citron Pressé Lemonade
Jus Juice
Jus de Orange Orang Juice
Jus de Pomme Apple Juice
Jus de Pamplemousse Grapefruit Juice
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